Signs Of The Times

  1. In the Last Days no one will be able to buy nor sell unless they have the mark of the beast. Revelation 13:17
  2. Gross Sin will be prevalent. The population will ignore the truth. II Timothy 3:1-5  Romans 1:18-32
  3. There will be a One World Government. Daniel 7:23-25
  4. There will be a One World Religion. Revelation 17:1-18
  5. There will be a regathering of the Nation of Israel back in their country. The UN recognized Israel as nation in 1948. Ezekiel 36:24
  6. Israel will hold Jerusalem once again. In June 1967 Israel fought the what is now called the 6-day war and captured the old city of Jerusalem after almost two thousand years. Ezekiel 20:41
  7. The old Roman Empire will be established again with at least 10 nations. March 25, 1957 in Rome, Italy at signing of the Treaty of Rome which may have marked the establishment of the revised Roman Empire as scriptures foretell. The EU will have 10 nations arise together to fulfill the FINAL End Time kingdom shown in Daniel 7:24 Rev.13:1-10   Rev.17:9-10
  8. In the end of the End Times the world will believe that good is evil and evil is good. The Bible says through Isaiah the prophet: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20 and see Amos 5:14
  9. Sexual and perverse behavior will be common and normalized and accepted by all even, the governments and churches. Philippians 2:15 Proverbs 2:14-17 Psalms 125:5

The above list are just a few of the many reason to believe that we are at the end of the age, or as I prefer, the End Times. As we have mentioned in so many places, no one knows the day or the hour, but the Bible calls us all to be aware of the times or seasons. And it seems this is the season to be aware of the our Lord Jesus Christ’s soon return for his chosen. The Bible says that God does not want any one die, but to repentance, and be restored to God.  John 3:16-17